FAQ Topics: <span>The Whole-Body Diffusion examination</span>

FAQ Topics: The Whole-Body Diffusion examination

What are the chances of detecting a tumour?

Since the beginning of its activity, ASC has rigorously collected data of great academic importance, making information from the examinations of its asymptomatic patients available to the research community, information that is destined to enrich the worldwide oncological literature. An…

How reliable is Whole-Body Diffusion?

Whole-Body Diffusion has demonstrated, according to data from the international medical-scientific literature, performance comparable to that of other diagnostic examinations widely used in oncology, such as computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET), which, however, expose patients to ionising…

What makes Whole-Body Diffusion innovative?

What makes DWB so innovative is the possibility of studying the human body in its entirety: without injecting contrast fluids or administering ionising radiation in a short time (we are talking about thirty minutes) with high diagnostic performance. The examination,…

How does Whole-Body Diffusion work?

Whole-Body Diffusion is based on a simple physical phenomenon, described by Albert Einstein in 1905: the diffusion of water molecules. DWB detects the diffusion and movement of water molecules between body cells. When they are “trapped” in a hypercellular tissue…

Why Whole-Body Diffusion?

DWB is a crucial resource, which has everything it takes to complement and complete the arsenal of common cancer screening examinations (such as mammography, Pap test and faecal occult blood detection, PSA). But it is also a safe device, because…

What is Whole-Body Diffusion?

This label refers to an MRI technique that aims to detect the occurrence of malignant tumours as small as a few millimetres in the whole body (from the vertex to mid-thighs, including the proximal portion of the upper limbs) in…